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Emergency Operations Center
The Cardiac Rehab is designated the Emergency Operations Center.  All hospital and medical staff activities will be coordinated and directed from this area.  In the event Cardiac Rehab is not available to be used, the alternate Emergency Operations Center will be designated.

The Emergency Operations Center will be coordinated by the Chief Executive Officer or the representative in the chain-of-command in his/her absence.

Key personnel located in the Emergency Operations Center:
Chief Executive Officer/Representative
Chief Financial Officer
Quality Management Assistant Administrator
Nursing Assistant Administrator
Chief of Medical Staff
Diagnostic and Therapeutics Assistant Administrator

Public Relations
Safety Officer


Monitors the "flow" of the emergency victims.

The multi-casualty incident patient chart:  one copy goes to Emergency Operations Center; information obtained from this is placed on the writing board.  (One copy goes to Admitting).  It is stapled to a plain sheet of paper on which one copy of flow tag(s) will be attached as they are brought to Emergency Operations Center showing the "flow" of the patient from area to area.  This "flow" will also be reflected on the writing board.

Maintains activity logs.

Keeps areas stocked with necessary supplies and personnel.

Monitors the "flow" of the hospital patients:
Nursing departments will keep Emergency Operations Center informed regarding the number of available beds and the inpatients being transferred/discharged.

The Emergency Operations Center acts as the information center and will release any/all information to the press.
If the press is on the premises, they will be located in the Home Care Building.

The Emergency Operations Center will release the following information:
Patient's Name (if known)
Address (if known)
Condition:  Critical/Fair/Good. Transferred, released and/or admitted.

Withhold all information on DOAs until the family is notified.

Only priests, pastors or other qualified members of the clergy or physicians will notify immediate family of the deceased individual.  When the family has been notified it will be indicated on the necessary list.  Until that time, all inquiries will be answered with "Yes, Mr., Mrs. or Miss has arrived but no condition has been received."


Under no circumstances are members of the news media to be given information regarding deceased individuals until the family has been notified.

Emergency Operations Center is also responsible for the following information:
Casualties treated and dismissed
Casualties treated and admitted

The Emergency Operations Center is the life line of emergency control!   All messages must go directly through them.